۱۳۸۹ دی ۲۹, چهارشنبه


With Hi dear friends
Before anything, I congratulate forereach Mbahlh days in the day Ali was identified as the prophet breath to learn more, see this link
Mr. Abdolsatar the answers already noticeable in the answers I originally had them talk about the note in his next talk more about the response we Ghadir
It also said Mr Abdolsatar the comments because my text to the general Nyavrdyd here we do it Please Note:
"You are saying: To the Prophet (PBUH) say: I Fhza Ali Mola Mola Kent that this was Ali (AS) and Hazrat successor executor and guardian of the Muslims and asked them: What's the word to be master?
In response I say: I like the Arabic dictionaries and Aqrb Mnjd Almvard and ... I went and saw that the Lord has more than twenty words means that include:
Malik, Abdul and slave, slave Zadknndە, released, like, close, son, uncle,
Neighboring Hmsvgnd, guests, partners, nephew, guardian, Lord,
Represents blessings, blessings receiver, friendly, follow, groom. (C Almvard Aqrb. Five pp. 834).
Hmjnyn in the Quran meaning Mola six states: relative, Lord,
Friend Hmhd, Heritage eater, has released. (Page 278 funds Tbilisi Quran).
Indeed, this question came to me why the Prophet (PBUH) used the term
And if he meant that this was Imam Ali (AS) and substitute the word executor because he did not work and that is explicit words are not opposites "
Hazrat Imam Ali in the Mirror Tradition
Well listen to the conversations we see Mr. Abdolsatar Sunni scholars talk about what this belief are
Hjh Alvda related issue and Ghadir, and sermon Prophet (PBUH) in its all about consensus and consensus is Shiite Muslims Vsny Nsvs a special place in Muslim religious literature and poetry - both Arab and non-Arabs - has . No narrative in Islamic texts as this event is not to limit the above frequencies and Yara No one shall not doubt it. Among the Companions of the Prophet (PBUH) and 110 Tabyn 89 people have quoted the narrator classes, it has come to 360 people. Many poets also have the current order; including:First Century: Ali (AS), fixed bin Hsan Ansari Qys bin Saad bin Badh Ansari, Omar and bin As Bnvayl, Mohammed bin Abdullah Hmyry.Now the question that if this event shall occur among all Muslims, and consensus about the place, so Drchyst difference? Differences based on the nature and implications of this event is:A Sunni brothers like that Mr. Abdolsatar said that the incident ends enormous historical remarks and emphases Prophet (PBUH), simply means necessary "Love and Friendship" Hazrat Ali (AS), and nothing indicates the necessity of Imamate, and governance and does not follow them. Their reason is that the "province" has several meaning and the meanings of "friend" is. So long as this sense is portable, it can not be resorting to other meanings search.Khtyh Ghadir Ghadir Although the topic is still in the area is given more
Second view is that the Shiites and the nature of the incident speech Prophet (PBUH), explicit and decisive Nsy and headship of Hazrat Imam Ali (AS), and while the general view of evidence, articles and position is such that it can never only be interpreted as friendship and love. It should note that many other Shiite evidence and reason from the Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet Imam in his hand and this issue is one of the proofs, not only because. Yet this event, is inevitable Vkhll Hojati overwhelming and can not in any of the harvest. Reasons and evidence that Shiite Gvahymydhd Health Perspectives, include:Three provinces of meaning: the word experts and books privileged vocabulary, the word means the provincial supervision, incumbency matters, dominance, mounted, leadership and governance have meaning. Here the meaning of the word with some word derivatives only Sunni book you're quoting:
Willing Isfahani writes: "provinces, ie, helping out. And provinces, ie, governance and supervision of the affairs and is said to indicate the province and the province is actually Mannddlalt and the "supervision" is. And Molly, but also used in the same sense, (Almfrdat Alraghb, p. 570).
Ibn ether writes: "But, ie, helper ... And whoever is responsible for something, "and Molly, but it is." Then he says: "And this is the hadith such as" my current Kenneth Mvlah Mvlah "... And speak to Omar Ali (AS) said: "You're every believing Imam Ali", ie, "but believers patrol, (Alnhayh, Labn ether, c. 5, p. 227).
Shah Allghh owner writes: "... Anyone care to undertake the affairs of someone but he is, (Alshah Lghh fi Al Arab, c. 6, p. 2528).
Mqayys owner writes: ".. Everyone else struggled to rein it takes, "but he is, (Mjm Mqayys Allghh, c. 6, p. 141 pp.)Now with these words stated the master vocabulary, how can "I Mvlah Kenneth Fhza Ali Mvlah" to "friend" meant spending and social care Vzmamdary separated from it? Is not it, "Ibn ether" wise words known Sunni Arab, he stipulates that the word "mole" Drrvayt "my current Kenneth Mvlah Mvlah" language of the Prophet (PBUH) life and speech in the same sense is used ?Also, because the word means master Rabtvan well the previous sentences should be noted prophet "Mgrpyghmbr before including this verse that Alnby Nfrmvdnd Baalmvmnyn my first Anfs·hm ... And after this verse that expressed my Bkm Anfskm Nfrmvdnd Alasti first? I'm the first to capture yourself in you all I say yes, then the Prophet said Kenneth Fhza Ali Mola Mola said that if the prophet of my current Kenneth Mola Mola Perhaps the possibility that the word means Lord, but love my Prophet said Kenneth Lord Ali Mola Fhza because these are the words Fhza it related to his previous sentence that Alasti clear that the Lord means guardian as well, not like the other narratives are "Ali're my Vana Ali" means As I am the first to capture the believers as well as Ali is (Bukhari p. 242 c 3 Vhmchnynj 4 p. 18)
4 addressed quickly and decisively God: If the incident merely to declare friendship Ghadir Imam Ali (AS) was so important that God has revealed to His Messenger, if you do not notice it, not done a divine mission? I love Ali's prophetic mission is equal to the total? Khvahsha Answer? God says: "We Anzali or click Ayha Alrsvl Blgh Rbk and I Tfl Len Fma Blght Rsalth Vallh Ysmk me that God Layhdy Alnas Alqvm Alkafryn" (Maedeh , verse 70). Do you notice extreme Allhn well not showing the problem is higher than these words? Of course, love Ali (as) a very high position and a sign of faith; but talk is that these sermons reasons mentioned above, is definitely unique, "provincial high" is.
consolation of God: the above mentioned verse, the Prophet of God given comfort, says: In order to implement this mission, God you people against the conspiracy to protect "my Ysmk Vallh Alnas. This issue does not indicate whether the mission, the important point is that the Prophet (PBUH) had the fear that some of the ego to deal Hvahay they arose and conspiracy? It's just a friend of Hazrat Ali (AS) was a place of such Khvfy?Six selected locations: whether the Prophet (PBUH) to Jhfh - the place apart and split passengers - were chosen to split all the speeches before the Imam should stay, as well as the Prophet (PBUH) who ordered It was the last place of return, time and patience were the backward Taksany had come through and ... What signs?It ordered that the witnesses are absent notice and this "Nba great" to hear everybody join, this does not imply that the issue for the Muslim Ummah is extremely important and vital? Whether it makes sense that the great leader of Muslims at last hajj magnificent speech to the crowd makers and the scorching heat, the passengers gathered worn out with this stress, they speak with Mqsvdsh This is only to say: "Ali's friend Have "!Verse 7 completed the descent: that following the implementation of the mission, the verse was revealed: "Alyvm Akmlt Lkm Dynkm and Rzyt Lkm Dina al-Islam" (Maedeh, verse 3). Do not imply that this issue than mere kindness and friendship you just Hazrat Ali (AS) - not the leadership and headship Prophet - was full of religion like Islam and Allah?If the issue was only friendship, that relationship earlier this verse was revealed and it was not for flaws in religion, because the verse "Qul la Asalkm run against Ella Almvdh Alqrby fi, (salinity, verse 23) previously been revealed was. So why when this verse was revealed religion was not complete? Khvahsha give an answer if you can. Then take the result of the verse completed, another message is on.Mr. Abdolsatar Answer this verse and do all this reasoning Rachh?
According to the sermon of Ghadir (See sermon Khvhsha Ghdbr Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Tabari Jryr great Sunni scholars of the book that all Alvlayh sermon at Ghadir brought the book) and bring the link text in the previous section we have the answer to these questions
Now answer the following questions
6 why the Prophet (PBUH) in the incident, the affidavit doctrinal issues and along with them the issue was raised province?
because the Prophet (PBUH) along with the Koran and Trt as "gravity Asghar" were mentioned?
why the Prophet (PBUH) said: Qur'an and Trt are not separated, and said: Cheng Ummah must undermines both? I just love the Quran is enough or should it follow, and their leader Imam knew? Unity context shows that the household (AS), this species should also Rftarkrd them role models, patterns, and gave practical leader.
why the Prophet (PBUH) to the question of mission and then playing to "priority" puts its finger on the believers and the project provinces will immediately issue?
why the Prophet (PBUH) the issue of the province is repeated three or four times? This is for all the emphasis?
why the Prophet (PBUH) after the incident said: "Allah Akbar" on religion and completed blessings and pleasure of God to finish my mission and the province of Ali "after Azmn?"The important thing here is that if the purpose of the "province" is another high "conditions after me, is a waste because love Hazrat Ali (AS) Mqydbh time after the death of the Prophet (PBUH) is very funny if not for the Prophet (PBUH) after the passing of this get me, Ali Love? high because Ali (AS) life, the Prophet (PBUH) is to be collected and led by Imam Ali (AS) that the Prophet (PBUH) considered is because in a two-time rector within is impossible.
because after this incident, people with Hazrat Ali (AS) did homage? But friendship is a homage? Pledge allegiance to the meaning of the word obedience and compliance, and even Abu Bakr and Hazrat Omar also the homage and each said: Bkh Bkh stain or Ali, Imam Ali and Molly Asbht total believer. "
13 Note that all the other participants in the lecture session of the Prophet (SAW) problem "and the hegemony of Hazrat Imam Ali (AS)" and immediately understood, "Ansari Hsan fixed bin" of the Prophet (PBUH) was allowed to sing the beautiful poems One of its lines of language Prophet (PBUH) explains: ........... Qom or Fanny Ali
Next I Hadya Rzytk Amama and that brought my previous text Ie: O Ali! Get up, I am happy that after my Imam Hadi Mybashy. Hsan said if wrong then why the Prophet did not tell her statement stated.
Or Hsan Latzal Mvyda Brvh our Holy Nsrtna he Nafht Blsank
 (A Hsan while aiming to be what we help Ahlbyt word quite well with the Holy Spirit will be part Mdhy Mvyyd ie lyrics that say this whiff of the Holy Spirit)
14 - now say that Mr. Abdolsatar Prophet in Ghadir Day said Kenneth I Fhza Mola Ali Mola did the prophet went to the top spots and only statement, said they were delivering a sermon that lasted several hours and go rather than just read these sermons Ghadir read that you've made then you realize that the prophetic word to master what has been
15 - Prophet Shbthaysh also has some predictions that I want to express
Soon after that I will Pyshvayany you to call the fire and the Day of Resurrection without helper will only.
Be aware! Soon after I moved Imams have the kingdom. It has usurped and raise their possession.
Han! Curse and anger of Allah and usurpers plundering expensive! And then of course God punish fire - flames of fire and molten Hey - you over jinn and humankind will be poured. It is here that the other will not help.
 Be aware! Remember them and hold each other and can recommend to the [commandments of God] Do not change. Again the warning: Be awake

O people! Not any land except that the people of God to deny [the truth], they will be destroyed before the last day of Imam Mahdi said, and will be lost. And indeed God's own promise will do. ) refers to verse 179 / AL-is.
Well the corner of the Prophet's statement had heard these questions before it comes to leaders who are from the Prophet said they Tshnd Vchpavl expensive and usurpers who have been God who sentences were changed?
Say the word that Mr Mola Abdolsatar Ghadir means friendship in accordance with this statement is clear from the words for such non-prophet
Although the true reason why the Imam and the Imam is chosen by God
Khvahsha to clear content go to this link
We prove the Caliphate or Imamate of Imam Ali through the Hadith:
Content is a link to click on them
1 -     Hadith Province
2 -     Hadith Dar
3 -     Hadith administer
4 -     Hadith status
Here are Mr Abdolsatar
It is prophetic that each time an enemy soldier to the commander of several ships would be determined if the death of one of their chief, or whenever it was out of town who his successor would have the example in the war said in Tabuk Ali did not give me is having my Vjanshyn now that the Prophet after his death does not specify how to Khvdjanshyny comes Caliph Abu Bakr to be his prophet, while never as Khalifa did not specify whether that religion is to seal Alanbya is no resurrection Even all the prophets is executor executor executor had not had the Seal of the Prophet is safe from accusations of undue
 And also after the death of the Prophet gathered a few people would have become God Vbgvynd Vkhlyfh to the council and the Prophet's successor through the Council to determine a while as the prophet chosen by God to be his successor should also be marked by God as Aaron asked Moses was chosen by God if you say less than a million council also is true then why certain Shaby prophet like Amir and Salman Vmqdadv ... Shaby prophet and all who lived outside of Medina did not participate in the council and also because if the case is Brshvra life through the Council, and Abu Bakr did not specify in his will, he identified Rakhlyfh? Mr. Abdolsatar If these can answer 
 Where other than Abu Bakr and Omar and Osman were Quraysh while we know and also states that the Prophet's caliphs after me and all of Qryshnd dozen are there. Now what do you answer? So far none of the scholars you could bring an answer to this paradox while complicated answer is among the Shia. Khvahsha put aside prejudices and accept the Shiite religious tricks
The basic question here is why are these all about Amir Order Prophet Prophet opened his Shaby Vfrman left alone in the Prophet put violated? They did it the violation of their first order of the Prophet or the Prophet's commands in his time he did causing Khvahsha please Mullah Hzh
When we say that Imam Ali (PBUH) executor Prophet (PBUH & HP and prophet), and because hundreds of verses and traditions, and rather than bring Mr. Abdolsatar and he likes to say that your evidence, the reasons scientific, is not acceptable to us, these are abandoned and say that your opinion, undermine the Companions. When you talk Imamate Imams (PBUH) we raise, but will say that Prophet (PBUH and prophet and HP) 12 Khalifa and successor to, and determined not to accept the Companions. When we raised the infallibility debate, unless they say will be in the work force and its companions are denied. They believe that what the companions have done right is absolute and what not done, is an absolute falsehood.
However, with this matter, we reject the logic of saying that Vmy companions were like normal people and people like Abuzar Vslman and ... Except the Companions have been followed to their sanctity, but because we do not like all his companions that they are hypocrites among us here has a lot of his books will prove that the Sunni Companions unlike the mistaken belief they and the error did
I will not talk, I raised earlier declared mission of the new batch of the Companions were Muslims, when Muslims lack the Badr War saw the Prophet prophecy (and prophet PBUH & HP) was suspected.
 I will not discuss the case Ahad War I command that Prophet (PBUH & HP and prophet) opposed and led to the best companions were martyred seventy Prophet (PBUH and prophet and HP) were.
 I will not discuss the case Khyber War I that the first and second Caliph Caliph and others, went ahead and ordered Unlike the Prophet (PBUH & HP and prophet), and did not dare attack: Rjva Mnhzmyn
 And the Prophet (PBUH & HP and the prophet) said:
 Latyn Alrayh Rjla Yhb Yhbh Allah and Allah and His Rsvlh Rsvlh
 Bukhari, vol 4, p. 5 - correct obvious, c. 5, p. 195
 I will not discuss the case that I Tyr Hadith about the fourth or fifth year, the migration has been.
 I will not discuss the case acquittal Chapter Gabriel came and said that I qualified this person does not read the signs on the infidels back and Hazrat Ali (PBUH) went.
 I will not discuss the case of peace Hdybyh I prophecy that Prophet (PBUH & HP and the prophet) and they said they doubt if we had a hundred troops, contrary to comments Mkrm Prophet (PBUH & HP and prophet) we uprising .
 But in the case Hjh Alvda AH happened ten years and also the Hadith Qrtas I want to raise.
  Companions of the order violates the First Prophet (PBUH & HP and prophet):
Khvahsha to clear content go to this link
Companions disobey the second command Prophet (PBUH & HP and prophet):
Khvahsha to clear content go to this link
We are going to come Avbkr Caliphate of Omar:
Holy Qur'an says:
Balbynat and Alzbr and click Nzlna Llnas we mentioned Ltbyn Nzl Lyhm and Llhm Ytfkrvn (Nahl 44)
[All the prophets] with clear proofs and scriptures [sent], and the Quran [also] sent down unto you, because for the people for what the [guidance] has been revealed to them, and thou expression for that [the messenger you and what was revealed to the right] reflect. (44)
And the Prophet in Ghadir sermon that I've put the Shrhsh stated:
"O people! You to any lawful and unlawful, and the guidance I'm never not stop. To know and be aware! Remember them and hold each other and can recommend to the [commandments of God] Do not change . Again, the warning: Be awake! prayer to have legs. and pay zakat. and enjoined the use of Bazdaryd denied. "
We want to examine whether these caliphs as the Koran, or that should have interpreted the provisions of God have changed here only refers to ijtihad life and all its documents Vajthadat all three caliphs were you at the Next I want to express
 Ijtihad Vsnt life against the Quran:
Khvahsha to clear content go to this link
I think this is enough of all that sha Allah described them in the archive, I offer something new
 Amir had about why I was silent other answers Rabshnvyd to convince you:
 Ali Silence
To clarify this matter go to following link
Pardon the answer you why the uprising of Imam Hussein and Amir will silence the other two answers to them, I added one to talk to you Pardon the Imam Hussein Ali Alzahr failed but in fact his blood succeeded this time is our belief But both believe your point here is how the Imam Hussein won with their blood, but his silence Amir is not the victory, while Amir was forced between bad and worse, and also choose the second argument that Amir helped Vmy was then asked what people will rise up to assist the Amir was then apart from their close relatives who were just five people all together 15 persons were not in while Imam Hussain was a sweetheart look 72 though Amir Yar only had it five times and took Bani Umayyad caliphate and the rule of Bani Abbas Ali Rakshtnd that all Shia are quoted on Ktd with pilgrims coming to the ceiling every time that Joseph wanted the damned eat him in front of a Shiite He cut the head of his sins open Ngzrd However the five were now 500 million Shia and Shia legitimacy of these symptoms are more and more every day are the day if someone really understand prejudice aside religion is right while My answer Ndadyd why the uprising of Imam Hussein to God to help him did not martyr because he was going to rule the earth person like Yazid was killed in the end would not you take your right to answer and I Ndadyd talk to other like "Mamtqdym ..." Lost the case and the reader to the diversion Kshandyd
I mean, because this question was that expression you get the concept of God's patience and if you have not expressed under the verses God is always victorious, and in accordance with the provisions of all revelations Armageddon is a real victory, you encounter a problem that mostly what monotheistic Shi And what age are faced with the issue is evil in the universe, see the relevant books and other reading them can not raise such questions
Response to other questions Mr. Abdolsatar
Exact expressions is:
"Firstly: wrote:" You notice about verse Pardon: The purpose of this verse Tbylgh mission and completed the religion and administer said Amir has also served the mission Vtkmyl Pardon being realized in fact religion is not and therefore do their Pyghmbrrsalt has not. "Here, in addition to changing the top and finish my sentence written by me that I wrote: "you are saying: To the" We Anzali click "and completed the mission and propagation of religion is Amir's administration. and after the death of the Prophet ( SAW), he disobeyed orders in this case the result is communicated mission and completed the religion actually been realized ...». have deleted up to the reader the illusion that my elder god world spam Gftham mission Prophet (PBUH) unfinished remains. While the outcome of such beliefs are not your opinions that we believe best mission done, Ykhfy La Coma. "
Well see now tell part of the color I have is yours or not
Here the conclusion that you have which one of our scholars have said if the scholars say, Here we have said in the book which, while not the words of our scholars have said the servant rather than the person can not conclude Results will be your time to prove your words to accuse the Shiite clerics Declaring the Prophet
Also Byanattan Pardon the Sunni scholars say this verse to the provincial Amir reiterated Khvahsha not refer to my previous material to understand their wash sink in the Koran verse on their descent, and have not been designed in recognition that a verse in the Prophet Where in the Quran verses to be exposed there are so many verses in the Qur'an that related to previous and next time do not open if the Quran exactly get even notice this, Imam Fakhr Razi in the commentary Kbyrsh about the miracles of the Quran by General Barry is excellence and commentators believe knows if these verses in the Quran were together the hypocrites were distorted due to this messenger of God ordered that this Order and then says to use the Quran revealed to us and we're his own keeper
Also you say your talking parts "that say how Ali managed this all these years with the student group and pronouns to clean and mental preparation and training of Prophet (PBUH) that he was a great coach, not his followers as well to train and build a society that is open to the right and it does not violate? Ironically Bob Mdynە science all the powerful people in education and training of disabled Mdynە science! "
That should tell you the answer that the prophet was able to apprentice training as Amir is sufficient for all the world about it, stated that the Prophet Imam Ali's sword blow ditch day is equal to the entire nation, I applied to Armageddon
Mr Abdolsatar religion Islam is not the quantity of quality is also his duty to the Amir of the Prophet to continue that way and did the same and the Imam will do the same and pay to train students in the great Prophet like Salman Farsi as well as students Abvzrv and Ammar Yasser Vsmyh Mqdadv also Vjfr Flywheel and hamza and many others were before the martyr Prophet Prophet only twenty-three years the right to invite people to open and see that people still lives in the last year of the ignorance of the ideas We must share blame Brndashtnd Prophet? Other demographic Ahlbyt we always tried to messenger who brought them half way by road to the end and let them work because the Prophet is Brkm also see that the government fell due to increasing ill from the hypocrites of Mecca is Old grudges Sean to Amir that their fathers or brothers, they died in battle Bvdvhmchnyn because most Hsadtshan than Amir hands of his help took to the Prophet sufficeth today nearly 500 million Muslims actual terms of completeness of religion (according to verse completed ) in the world is to hit them every day will be added also that if the criterion is the disciple of Imam Sadiq has trained students all the more as all imams of the Prophet and Science Knowledge thereof connected to the messenger of God, and also if the opening of science criteria Your number is in the past few years that a group of 12 people from Indonesia to Iran came after much research were followed to the Shiite and after going to their own country and close to several great advertising million Shiites say they must now They are top of our Prophet because more students were trained in case this is not the case as you said Islam is not quantity enough for that same messenger at the same time, ignorance (AS) and Hazrat Zahra and Shagrdany girl like like Amir and Salman and ... Has
 But the important here that totally did not specify if the executor Prophet then went away all Zhmatsh Ahlbyt We all like the chains are contiguous to the Amir, to be deputy to the Prophet
They are we should ask them Bjvym and assist them in the work of Bjvyym
These discussions are extremely heavy on these issues Vbaysty Create a new blog that is out of patience, I recommend you go to the Imam Biology Vktab Read Answer questions to arrive if you are looking for the right
Also expressed about the verses that I originally part of the same verses interpreted for you, because I get enough when I explained Khvhsha verse you mentioned the use of similar verses, and unless you want this way can interpret the Quran is the wrong way Vbkhvahyd projection doubts in this way please (referring to Imran Verse 7
You did a verse that describes the following:
Books of Allah which Allah strong Laghlbn Vrsly Dear Anna) argue / 21 (
God has decreed that we must prevail and I was indeed God's messengers Strong Napzyrast
We interpret this verse explains
First he says " those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, ye unto them among the most Afradnd
Firstly because Nyavrdyd first verse? I do this thing so I'm with you
God says in verse continues: "God had decreed that I and My messengers we win"
Just as God is strong and weak enemies Zlylnd, and see if they interpret the verse before the "Azlyn" (ye most people) has been the same reason.
Interpretation to the "Books" (written) on the final affirmation of this victory, and including "Laghlbn" with "Lam stressed" and "Innocence emphasis Sqlyh" This victory is a sign of being forceful in a way that no place for doubt No one is not. The question now is winning exactly what you did wrong in this section
You actually means "victory" are not diagnosed correctly, saying mischief might have thought of Imam Hussein in Karbala as failed, because his and his followers were martyred, while you and we know that his goal Nhayysh scandal Children of school Amyh and lay the foundation of freedom, and teach all the world was Azadegan, and now the world as martyrs server (SM Alshhda’) and humanity the world over a series of Azadegan, the thoughts of the great class of people shall rule with victory
Believers in verse 51 we read:
Anna Lnnsr Rslna and Alzyn Mnva Aldnya and Yom Fi Alhyah Yqvm Alashhad: "
 We definitely his apostles and those who believe in the life of the world are observing the day when the witnesses Khyznd (Day of Resurrection), we helped, "He whom Allah certainly helped to have won.
But should not forget that the imminent promise of God is unconditional, the condition is believed that faith and works, if it is not the way that its inertia, and Nhrasnd problems and not grieve, so that they Imran verse 139 stated:
And La La Thnva and Thznva and Ntm Alalvn Kntm the believers.
Another requirement is that they begin their transformations from Allah favors no nation, and the nation does not change unless they change in your will find, watch Zlk Ayatollah Ali Nmha Nmh Mghyra trick a nation we even Yghyrva Banfs·hm (Anfal 53).
Allah should throw the string tight and unified their ranks, they should mobilize their forces, their intentions are pure and safe return strong and powerful enemy, however much they appear to have low populations and low power, and eventually jihad effort and trust the Lord will be victorious.
I think the answer did
It also said:
"You thought, God destroyed Pharaoh, Moses and Pharaoh took too difficult to manufacture and Immersion defeated Qaaroon swallow the Earth and found all his strength, saying:" La Vykanh Yflh Alkafrvn (Qss / 82 ). "
We see God say to Pharaoh Ranabvd or the people wanted and God helped them to win against oppression unless heard the proverb that says God bless you move I do not know why the thing to comfort you so much controversy
Vastdlaly also said that Ali was about Skvtshan house that I am God and people like that should not come to me I Byand fixed seats
Ahad also say the war was both the cause of Islam failed to open because my answer Ndadyd the previous article I said that because God told you to open despite the mistakes that these people were Muslim army did not fail to help them win? In answer I should say anything in this world that wants to come with patience, and there is caused by people not sure if the promise of Allah is not feasible (verse Allah refers to the fate of any ethnic ...) had their questions Why did God make a tree to be the lump did not create it? While we see in order to grow a full tree, sometimes up to twenty years it takes to quote Well if you say you could not doubt the power of God would have you to say why it did or why such property Khdavn Alamut created unless his soul could not bill that created such a property? I hope to be fully realized in the few years after Moses came to Pharaoh and did not promise to Khdavn Manyz has the same sermon at Ghadir Prophet refers to it
Be aware! Indeed, last Imam, Mahdi of our vertical. Han! He will prevail over all religions.
Warning! He is the recipient of wicked revenge.
Warning! He who conquers castles and they destroyed the poster.
Warning! He conquered all the tribes of polytheists and their Rahnmy.
Yes, he will come a day Vantqam been usurped the right to take his mother and father
Now you have some question
But the same verse that mention God Nfrmvd:
Those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, ye unto them among the most Afradnd
And also another verse says:
Hezbollah and its Yvzvn Alzyn Rsvlh Lnhm Aldnya and Alakhrh Allah fi and D Lhm Mhyna Zaba               
Rhmە Llalmyn Prophet (Allah against Salavat sa) said: "Kahn nerve Hb sizes Prophet Alrjal Ali Fatima and I .... The most popular among women, the Prophet, Hazrat Zahra and among men of Imam Ali (PBUH) is. (No. of hadith traditions Trmzy 3803-3809 / / Mstdrk Alhakm C 3, p. 157 / / A seven-Assad Alghabh p. 223 / / A seven Alnhayh Albdayh and p. 254
Trmzy Hadith traditions with strong and correct the document, which is an important consideration:
Smelting Lly Prophet PBUH and Al-Hassan and Hussein and Fatima: WAR Anna Lehmann and HP Lehmann Salmtm ... Harbtm. Ghodratallah Prophet to Ali and Fatima and Hassan and Hussein (PBUH) said:" I who you than War I have war with those who are peacefully with your friendship and peace and love. "(Hadith number of traditions Trmzy 3805)
Bzgvar father of Hazrat Zahra (PBUH) said : "Allah the Yghzb Lghzbk and Yrzy Lrzak ...A Fatmە! God's anger angry and you will be pleased with your good pleasure. "Neyshabouri ruling and Rvah Mhdsyn and following the above Hadith Alasnad considered correct.
C Hysmy Alzvayd Assembly 9 p. 203 / / l and Lahad Almsany Zhak c 5, p. 363 / / Almjm Alkbyr Tbrany c 1 C. 22 p. 108 and p. 401 / / reserves Alqby p. 39 / / Assad Ibn Alghabە proliferate c 5, p. 526 / / 8 c Alasabh Ibn Stone
P. 265 / / refinement Althzyb Ibn Stone C 12, p. 392 / / features Syvty c. 2 p. 265 /
Indian J Cairns virtuous Almal 12 p. 111 / / amount Alatdal Zhby c 2 p. 492 / /
Medina, Damascus, Ibn soldiers since c. 3, p. 156, c. 6, p. 219, c. 7, p. 111
Messenger huge Alshan (Salavat against God sa) said : "Fatima Bzh're Yrybny We Arabha and Yvzyny We Zaha." (Sahih Bukhari c 7 pages :65-66 Book Alnkah / / bench Ahmad Hanbali c 4 and 5 pages :323-328-332 / / traditions Trmzy c. 5, p. 698 Hadith 3869 / / Mstdrk governing c 3 pages: 154-158-159 / / features Alnsayy p. 36 / / Hlyh Alavlya’ c. 2 p. 240 / / Cairns Almal c. 6, p. 219 and C-8, p. 315 / / Alsvaq Almhrqh p. 190 / / Alamamh Valsyas·h Ibn Qtybh c. 1, p. 141 )
Giving feeling to the hadith had Pyghmbrdydyd Mr Abdolsatar of this content to listen more
"Bennett Fatmh Fghzbt Prophet PBUH Vslm Fhjrt ABA Becker, film Tzl Mhajrth Tvfyt even."
 Albkhary correct: 4 / 42, H-3093, the book is Alkhms, B-1 Bob Alkhms assume.
 And in another narration tells heater:
 Ali Abi Bakr Fatmh Fvjdt fi Zlk - smelting - even Tvfyt Tklmh Fhjrth film.
 Albkhary correct: 5 / 82, (p. 802 H 4240) Almghazy book, B-38 Bob Ghzvh Khyber.
 Inalienable right: C 5, p. 154, H. 4471, Book Aljhad Valsyr (Almghazy), B-16 Bob Quote Alnby PBUH Vslm, J North La Fhv We Sdqh Trkna.
 And the third story he writes:
 Fhjrth Fatmh, even Matt Tklmh film.
 Albkhary correct, vol 8, p. 3, H. 6726, Book Alfrayz, B 3 Bob promises Alnby PBUH Vslm our North La Sdqh Trkna.
Now what say you can answer these you can claim Yykh Caliph Abu Bakr Rasul Allah we will accept that he Hmbaysty Khalifa Rasul Allah while Zahra was unhappy with his hand so unhappy Abu Bakr was the prophet of the revelations, according to Quran is the curse of God Vrsvl Now we accept that we should be Caliph Abu Bakr in the Vly No part of Zahra will, for you to bring more adventure to discover the reality and that his arguments that we can today, within one year Forty million just the Shia Wahhabi we
 Their legitimacy to light today have the highest juridical science while Fqhytan see if books are entirely analogous, and the first Imam who said about the analogy to analogy was the devil after his release evil religion and religious tricks on Bring Funeral
Wills part of Hazrat Zahra:
 Ali Give me the night or the night Kfnm Now wash me territory Remember the night and no one at my funeral dont's
If you lose someone so why not Narht his grave is a secret, so why not let people in Medina Funeral His Messenger daughter to participate
Why Muslims were buried at night Sediqeh Kobra / / show the grave was lost because it Ensieh Hoora
 Not the death of termination passed during Rsl / / Negin Seal Prophets Bshkst Vavyla
Now Mr. Abdolsatar go and answer my questions to find my last question to Bkhsv
Khdashma and guide us to
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